Saraswathy Vidyanikethan is a unit of Bharatheeya Vidyanikethan (Kerala chapter of Vidya Bharathy). Bharatheeya vidyanikethan is an education agency, is worked in the area of education and cultural development. The Bharatheeya Vidyanikethan runs around 400 schools in Kerala. Kudayathoor is a village in Idukki district (a hilly backward district in Kerala) has a number of tribal settlements. Most of them are in very financial and social backwardness. The children from these different tribal settlements are forced to drop their education in preliminary stage itself because of social, financial, demographic backwardness etc.
In 2017 the Saraswathy Vidyanikethan Kudayathoor started a hostel for tribal girls named Sabari Balikasadanam at Saraswathy vidyanikethan campus Kudayathoor. The Sabari Balikasadanam offers total free CBSE education, food and accommodation for poor tribal girls in Kerala. Currently there are 20 students are staying in the hostel. As per the best of our knowledge this is the only institution which offers this type of facility in Kerala. We are also offering total free education for 10 students from an orphanage from Thodupuzha runs by SevaBharathy including their transportation.